Mr Griffin

From the Principal

Kia ora e te whanau

Just a quick message to inform you that our current website is going to be revamped. In 2025 you will see a new, interactive version that should be a lot of fun to navigate around.

We will keep this one in operation until the new one is launched to start the 2025 school year.

Term 3 is over halfway through leaving just 14 teaching weeks remaining in the school year. Please keep a close eye on Seesaw and follow the progress your child is making. Our students have the entire year to reach their learning goals so you should start to see some significant progress in the Reading, Writing and Maths. Keep in contact with your child's classroom teacher and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them.

Seesaw is a rolling update program where you can check in at any time to view the progress and great things your tamariki are involved in. It is so much better than the old twice-yearly written reports.

As you are probably aware the government has released the draft curriculums for Mathematics and English. The new curriculum is to be launched in schools to start the 2025 school year.

I am disappointed at the speed in which schools are expected to have this organised considering the confirmed curriculum will not be released to schools until late October, or early November.
I can see schools having to work through the Christmas break to ensure they are prepared for the launch on 28/1/2025. As we know nothing good comes from things that are rushed. WHPS will be prepared and ready to go to start the year.

Mahuri year 5/6 camp is happening in term 4. It is a big undertaking for the school to make it happen. Families are charged $60.00 but the actual cost is $290.00 per child. We need your support during fundraising events. Coming up on September 5 is our bake sale. If you can contribute to that by supplying a cake or muffins or sweets we would really appreciate it. 

4 weeks to go of term three and lots of learning to take place in that time. Please take the time to thank your child's teacher for the amazing work they do. Flick them a message via Seesaw. Our teachers and teacher aides are awesome. We are so lucky to have them here at Western Heights Primary School. I am so proud of my team.

Thank you to all families who completed the Community survey. Your thoughts and opinions are valued by me. Your contributions will be considered as part of our strategic planning for 2025.

If you have any questions, affirmations or concerns please feel free to give me a call on 3488459 or pop into see me.

Nga mihi nui

Brent Griffin

Posted: Thursday 29 August 2024

Te Kura o Whakaahu - E Tu Hei Maunga